Time keeps my secrets aloud
TIME KEEPS MY SECRETS ALOUD is a project that I have been developing from my particular interest on the way we conceive time. It all started with the idea of how I could harmonize the Bertrand Russell’sidea of the impossibility of time representation and the Henry Bergson’s idea of memory and time. Someday I found myself playing with one of these clocks that in principle emulate flip books or Books of animation of principles of century XX. I began to develop this idea of the clock as a container of this temporal spatialization that may contain events of a daily nature.
Although tampered with, the table clock may also be an artifact for transmitting memory if its original purpose of "giving the time" is subverted.consists of a series of pieces in which I make 5 or 6 seconds loops which represents routines , events of everyday nature like getting out of bed ,work, even breathing; personal subjects such as -like my fear of swimming and apries and paradoxes of time and space as Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise or the myth of Sisiphus. The pieces are animations frame by frame on antique clocks tabs (flip clock) by replacing the numbers indicating the hours and minutes for the animated sequences .
Whether the engine forward or backward , reading. According to Bergson we tend to conceive time like an unlimited line composed of units or moments independent of each other. This "time of mathematics" is a mere abstraction resulting from a prior spatialization: a succession of static moments that give a sense of continuity, as in a frame-by-frame or film-like animation. However, from the perspective of the immediate data of consciousness, this numerical multiplicity is lost and there remains only a qualitative multiplicity of subjective experiences that are perceived in a continuous way that links the present with the past and in which they do not decompose.
The experiences, but harmonize with each other and with personal memories, where the real and imaginary merge as it happens with the notes of a melody. For the French philosopher, real time is determined by our subjectivity, by the experiences and memories that constitute our lives. I think craftsmanship is very important to develop ideas and does not exclude the possibility of think in contemporary issues; on the contrary helps to understand and stand a position for dialogue with tradition .