“La imagen es la muerte de la experiencia”. Roland Barthes
I was intrigued by the motive that leads to socialize an image at anonymous space without any guarantees and margin of control.The images I used for this series were taken on profiles from WebPages and internet social groups like HI5 , myspace and facebook . What is behind these profiles and what is hiding behind these images? I see them as an empowerment exercise, just tools which allow a reflection space about the inner identity. I was intrigued by the motive that leads to socialize an image at anonymous space without any guarantees and margin of control. What is wanted to show and how many defines that image of the portrayed subject is what interested me. I “steal” naïve content images of girls I found attractive. I think actually the people prefers to lose some privacy in order to improve their popularity and social success.

Juli, 2007 18x12 cms. Acuarela sobre papel.